Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Benarkah Kapal Pakatan Rakyat Kapal yang Terbaik untuk PAS?

1. Dalam posting lepas saya menulis mengapa orang PAS Kuala Terengganu yang mahu PAS kekal dengan acuan dan prinsip ala TG Nik Aziz, ala aruah Ustaz Fadzil Noor, ala TG Haji Hadi, mesti mengundi UMNO dalam Pilihanraya Kecil Kuala Terengganu. Saya hujahkan kenapa kalau calon PAS menang, walaupun dia pilihan Hj Hadi, sebenarnya ia satu kekalahan kepada Haji Hadi dan kepada PAS sendiri jika dilihat dalam jangka panjang.

2. Kalau nak faham kenapa, baca baliklah dua posting blog ini yang lepas.

3. Secara ringkas, saya risau bahawa jika PAS menang di Kuala Terengganu, ia akan dilihat sebagai kemenangan Pakatan Rakyat dan sebagai satu pengesahan dan persetujuan rakyat berketurunan Melayu dan beragama Islam tentang perkembangan dalam negara pasca PRU-12, di mana kedudukan Islam dan Melayu hebat dicabar konon atas prinsip kesamarataan dan keadilan.

4. PAS menang. Dan hari ini, belum habis pengundi PAS KT hilang penat lelah, telahan dan kerisauan saya nampaknya terbukti benar.

5. Dalam Malaysian Insider, Ahli Parlimen Bukit Bendera dari DAP, Liew Chin Tong, mengulas panjang lebar mengenai PAS dalam postingnya bertajuk, “We are all Erdogans” (Kita semua Erdogan). Di dalamnya, beliau secara jelas mengajak parti PAS untuk bergerak ke tengah dan menolak isi dan pendekatan dalam Dokumen Negara Islam yang merupakan dokumen rasmi parti yang dilancarkan pada tahun 2003. Mengenai Dokumen Negara Islam ini, saya masih ingat apa yang ditulis oleh Hj Subky Latif :

“DOKUMEN Negara Islam yang PAS lancarkan pada 17 Ramadhan lalu atau pada 12 November lalu bukan satu memorendum yang orang boleh terima atau boleh tolak. Ia adalah satu testeman yang semua orang wajar pelajari khususnya umat Islam. ...

PAS sudah membuat kajian yang ilmiah mengenai konsep negara Islam dan sudah dibentangkan kepada masyarakat untuk dikaji dan dipelajari. Tidak berbangkit ilmu itu hendak dibantah kerana ia adalah satu ilmu.

Soal ia ditolak oleh dunia adalah suatu yang hal lain. Kalau dunia merasakan mereka tidak wajar berpuasa dalam bulan Ramadhan kerana ia bukan dari ajaran agama mereka, ia adalah masalah mereka, tetapi orang Islam tiada pilihan, ia adalah amalan yang wajib.”

6. Demikian lah. Dan hari ini, sahabat baru PAS iaitu DAP nampak gayanya sudah berani masuk campur dalam hal-hal yang tidak sewajarnya. Seperti yang saya tulis dalam posting lepas,

“Dan sebenarnya siapa sudah dakwah dengan siapa? Rasa saya, merekalah yang telah berjaya mendakwahkan orang PAS dan pemimpin PAS supaya jadi kurang sikit keIslamannya, kurang sikit takutnya pada Allah, dan lebih sikit takutnya pada kuasa undi di tangan manusia.”

7. Penyokong, ahli dan pemimpin PAS patut fikir perkara ini.

8. Dalam dua posting saya yang lepas saya juga jelaskan bahawa semenjak tsunami politik PRU-12, elemen-elemen anti Islam semakin tunjuk taring dan semakin tidak hormat dengan kedudukan Islam dan orang Islam di negara ini. Ini bertentangan dengan apa yang kita selama ini amalkan di Malaysia, di mana orang bukan Islam Malaysia (kecuali DAP terutama Karpal Singh) begitu sensitif dalam isu-isu Islam dan Melayu. Mereka faham keunikan negara kita, dan sentiasa menangani isu-isu ini seperti menarik rambut dalam tepung. Tidak sekarang. Ada berbagai isu yang boleh menjadi contoh di mana penghormatan ini sudah tiada. Sama ada hormat mereka sudah hilang, ataupun mereka selama ini berpura-pura, itu cerita lain. Yang pentingnya Islam semakin diasak dan dicabar. Terbaru, selepas Pilihanraya Kecil KT, dilaporkan dari suratkhabar Singapura, “The Straits Times” bahawa suratkhabar Katolik “The New Herald” enggan patuh dengan arahan Kerajaan Malaysia, dan dalam edisi terbarunya terus menggunakan perkataan “Allah” sebagai menggantikan “God” dalam edisi terbarunya.

9. Ironisnya, Islam paling teruk diasak apabila Parti Islam Malaysia dalam keadaan paling kuat!

10. Penyokong, ahli dan pemimpin PAS patut fikir perkara ini.

11. Saya juga dalam posting saya terdahulu menyatakan bahawa PAS tidak dihormati dalam Pakatan Rakyat, dan apabila cuba memperjuangkan apa-apa isu Islam, akan terus disekeh dan dilekeh oleh orang-orang bukan Islam penyokong Pakatan Rakyat.

12. Sekali lagi saya tak perlu tunggu lama untuk perkara ini terbukti. Semalam, Pemuda PAS WP membantah konsert Rihanna. Terus mereka dibantai. Ini adalah komen-komen pembaca dalam Malaysian Insider. Antara lain, mereka menggunakan bahasa seperti “Bodoh punya Taliban”. “Pergi duduk dalam gua” dan sebagainya. Ini baru pembaca Malaysian Insider, bukan pembaca Malaysia Today. Kalau pembaca Malaysia Today, gerenti 10 kali lebih teruk makinya.

“Comments (19)

Why focus on minor issues where we facing with economic challenges ahead?
written by Daniel Chang, January 20, 2009
What is happening here, we vote PKR not for this nonsense, boycotting Rihanna got nothing to do with war right now. shouldn't be PAS work on remedy to help my Malay brothers to overcome the economic livelihood such starting a a support group for the retrench and guide those in debt in managing the MONEY issues.

This just nonsense, on Islamic aspect PAS still has a lot to do to share and educate non-muslim of the proper Islamic practice that forbid corruptions, greed and many ill effects on our society. Rihana - she is not even a moral issues.


written by justme, January 20, 2009
Pas, don't you ever grow up? Boycott for all you want, but please do not unleash your youths for any protest or demonstration. Others might want to enjoy the concert.

written by 88, January 20, 2009
Ah, see who KT (as proxy for Malaysia??) has voted for. And see what the future holds for a nation under PAS. Still in, for hatred of BN??

To PAS, perhaps you would like to invite the 5 million or so Muslims living in the US to emigrate to Malaysia, or Palestine?? Is it OK to inflict vengeance on the ummah in America, or perhaps you will now start a fund to support them?

Saw This Coming
written by Azzy, January 20, 2009
Don't you tell me none of you saw this coming from a mile away?

Pollution just by going to concerts??
written by i'm not Chinese, i'm a Malaysian, January 20, 2009
Are our people being polluted by just going to concerts of foreign artists? If that's the case, our country should might as well ban all foreign movies and tv programmes and turn Malaysia into a communist country!!

Many youngsters out there are so lost because all we told were things are forbidden but has anyone done enough to preserve and pass on proper cultures? Shouldn't one know how to think? Or are we just taught to grow up being spoon-fed and whine about everything and everyone whenever things go wrong by just being reactive no proactive??

I have seen our own people not even knowing the simplest courtesy to queue up for a train ride. So should we be blaming Rihanna for this too or we just couldn't even teach our kids to queue up???

Wake up people.

How did you form this opinion?
written by Maozee, January 20, 2009
You formed this opinion after watching her right? And like most SELF-PROCLAIMED alim guy, you got a hard-on & straightaway knew it was Evil ! But if you guys at PAS gets turned on just by hearing Stilleto heels or seeing Red lipstick - ( perhaps reading this sentence is making your mouth dry already ) , you guys should seek HELP. Unfortunately, BN has not, in all this years of rule, improved the level of Healthcare for the mentally-challenged. I shudder to think that one day, you might be a big-shot in PAS and with PR's ever increasing popularity, you could be one of our Law-makers! Brrrrr !!!

written by swipenter, January 20, 2009
PAS Youth dont you have anything better to do? You guys are becoming like Umno Youth day by day. Things that you dont agree you call for a ban and/or boycott.


written by stk, January 20, 2009
PAS youth please go live in a caves in Afgan with the talibans.Behave as if they are the moral guardian.
Go protest all you want,but others have the rights too.Stupid ningkongkops,better go to do something right like help the Palestine ,the poor instead of wasting time.


Kluk klek?
written by bigone, January 20, 2009
How quickly the mob changes from cheering Pas on in KT ...
This is a good development, it will slow down the enthusiasm for Pakatan and bring about more of a balance as I have always advocated.
Don't support Barisan, and DON'T support Pakatan either.
Support the aspirations of the rakyat, and play one against the other.

Boycott US made products?
written by chelsea, January 20, 2009
C'mmon all those sick Muslim guys! Go seek help to heal your "dirty" brain. Jerk it off if Rihanna make you experienced hard-on! It's perfectly normal guys..rather than cat-around behaving like a saint!

To those hypocrite who wage war on American made products, starts off from your own comfort-zone. Stop flying Airbus and Boeing; stop using Microsoft/Apple softwares and stop watching English Premier League, since UK is an ally of USA. Go ahead & Do it! See if those fanatics Muslims of Malaysia could produce their own version of plane (Proton Airbus 747, maybe?) or Malaysian version of computing operating system in Bahasa?!

Malaysia...you're just a tiny little third-world country when the world is watching China wrestled Japan and Korea to compete against India to match-up the world powerhouse, USA!

Oh...Malaysian Taliban!
written by Hock Eng, January 20, 2009
It is killing me to see these made-in-Malaysia young talibans pretending to be the moral guardians of our society.

What will become of Malaysia if PAS comes into power.

written by JL, January 20, 2009
i think i should call you "PASS".. come on.. u should live in the cave.. if you wanna boycott.. why not joining the war? why still staying here shouting here and there?.. stupid

written by Fair Judge, January 20, 2009
If PAS Youth want to prevent Muslim Malays from entering concert, not my business. But who the hell are you to stop non- Malays from enjoying the concert? And I thought Hudud Laws were meant for MUslims only. SO DONT INTERFER!
written by ng, January 20, 2009
'change' your thinking pls. don't just blurt out silly comments to get your name in newspaper so that ppl will know you. don't think you're fit to become a leader. your division should change you.

Say NO to the Ayotollahs!!!
written by InEffective, January 20, 2009

Our young ayatollah wannabees are a committed bunch.
I respect their rights to say what they believe in - its ok.

And i absolutely will also express my views - "SAY NO TO THE AYOTOLLAHS"

Moronic species
written by Lingkung Park, January 20, 2009
Pas youth who feels so strongly about the gaza issue should stop bitching about and just go there and fight against the zionist. Impose hudud law and chop off the hands and legs of all the corrupt muslims for all I care. Stone those malay women who don't cover themselves with headscarfs. Arrest and whip those muslims who go to buy sports toto, 4D or lottery. Bar all muslims from listening to western pop songs and malay pop songs too. Boycott pepsi and coke and don't use western technologies. BUT DON'T TEACH US NON MUSLIMS WHAT NOT TO WATCH! lAY YOUR FILTHY HANDS OFF OUR CULTURE OR BELIEVES OR WE WILL NOT VOTE YOU MORONS IN THE NEXT TIME AROUND! WE ARE NOT INTERESTED IN YOUR SICKO ISSUES! PERIOD!!!

written by Shitty Brains, January 20, 2009
Shitty Talibans , there they go again . They should go hang themselves .

written by Alex, January 21, 2009
I don't understand as a non muslim..i too did not understand despite economy slowdown,the multi million company eager to make a concert... what is the point out of this?
I'm a big fan rihanna but do you think it's necessary to bring a expensive star for a promo...
In this case i'll support the PAS youth even though difference of reasons.

focus on the important issues
written by Benjamin T, January 21, 2009
i think PAS Youth should focus their energy on stopping UMNO / BN's ceramahs then trying to stop concert as such!!! lol so ridiculous... the world again is laughing at us...

also, pls don't use GAZA as the reason, if PAS wants to do it... do it all the way, don't just pick and choose... hypocyrite!!! Egypt also to blame for GAZA suffreings for not doing much, so it Saudi Arabia for their silence... so boycott them as well!!!

and if you want to boycott the US, why not start witj the big American banks and institution, chase them out of Malaysia... lets see what will that do to our country's economy...

PAS can lead Malaysia (no way) without PR!!!! I only suport PAS because of the coalition not PAS alone!!!

13. Dalam blog-blog penyokong PR bukan Islam pun nadanya sama. Contohnya lihat sini dan sini. Ini baru 3 hari!

14. Penyokong, ahli dan pemimpin PAS patut fikir perkara ini.


  1. Patutnya orang PAS dah lama nampak benda ni!

  2. Salam perkenalan,

    Terima kasih kerana menyokong perjuangan kami. Berharap dapat bekerjasama dan bertukar-tukar buah fikiran di masa hadapan. Selamat berjuang!

    "Memperkasa Generasi Baru"

    Pergerakan Pemuda
    UMNO Cawangan Taman IKS
    Bahagian Batu WP


  3. Salam Tuan blog,

    Kapal yang sedang hanyut kerana kelasi2nya mabuk kuasa.

    Tq kerana jengok blog saya.

  4. Salam bumi daku,

    politik berlandaskan agama membawa kegemilangan..
    agama dipolitikkan akan jadi macam PAS sekarang ni..

    kapal nak hanyut org2 PAS kena 'buang' dulu..
    dh nak tenggelam dalam air tapi masih x sedar2..

  5. Pemuda UMNO dituduh mengugut dengan peluru dan dibilang ‘celaka’.

    Mana-mana Pemuda, kiranya bertembung dengan Karpal, pasti menuntut kenapa tanpa soal-siasat, di Dewan Rakyat di mana semua sebutan dirakam dalam “Hansard”, Pemuda UMNO dituduh bukan-bukan dan digelarnya ‘celaka’.

    Mungkinkah ada yang sabar kiranya Karpal di depan mata? Ada. KP2 UMNO Selangor yang berdepan Karpal hari itu MEMOHON penjelasan dengan hormat kepada Karpal sebagai orang tua & Pengerusi DAP.

    Namun KP2 ini kini dicela. Tidak lagi. Kita pertahankan nama baik kawan2 di Selangor melalui thoughtsintangents.blogspot.com dan http://lattsharizan.com
